
Website creation resource for planning your website, working on content, and those building it themselves (DIYers).

How to Set Up Coaching Website on WordPress

Set Up Your Coaching Website on WordPress – YouTube Video
Get the tech in place (hosting, email, domain name, secure server) so you can begin adding content. Watch the Set Up Your Coaching Website on WordPress video.

Kenn teaches wordpress

WordPress for Coaches – Learning, Resources and More
A single blog post dedicated to helping you learn WordPress fast and create your own website. Go to this blog post: WordPress for Coaches.

bluehost for wordpress coaching websites

Bluehost Website Hosting for WordPress Websites
Cost-effective, fast, and works well. I don’t like wasting time on hosting. I’d rather be growing my business. Check out BlueHost.

Divi WordPress Theme for Coaching Websites
Divi is a crisp, clean, premium theme for WordPress with a slick visual builder. It’s fun and powerful. Check out the Divi theme.

Kadence Theme and Blocks for Coaching Websites on WordPress
Kadence is a fast, lightweight, powerful theme. The blocks plugin gives you great tools for making pages. Check out the Kadence theme.


AWeber to Manage Your Email List
This web-based email list managing service makes it easy to send emails to many people at once. It’s a walk in the park compared to MailChimp’s jungly interface which will drive you bananas. I’ve used them for over 15 years. Check out AWeber.

A Big Collection of Good, Low-Cost Images
Buy credits instead of a subscription unless you need a lot of images regularly — like posting/blogging multiple times a week. Visit BigStockPhoto.


Excellent Images
iStockPhoto has amazing images. They have two collections: essentials and signature (tend to be better). They sell subscriptions and offer a free trial. Visit iStockPhoto.

FREE WordPress Support Groups
Learn WordPress faster, get technical support, and create a great website with others in the WordPress for Coaches LinkedIn group or the WordPress for Coaches Facebook Group.